
Málaga 24h TV – El Juzgado de Vigilancia Penitenciaria concede el tercer grado a Maite Zaldívar

El Juzgado de Vigilancia Penitenciaria Nº 3 de Andalucía con sede en Málaga ha acordado conceder a María Teresa Zaldívar García el tercer grado penitenciario lo que leThe prison supervision court No. 3 of Andalusia based in Malaga has agreed to grant to Maria Teresa Garcia Zaldivar third grade prison what enables compliance with the remainder of his sentence on day release. According to sources southern daily, the agreement has been adopted with the favorable report of the prosecutor, Prison Psychologist and because the prison has already served more than half of the sentence imposed by the courts.
According to the report, the Board Treatment does not include any negative attitude to crime, while the school psychologist goes beyond finding «good behavior and cooperation of the internal to the institution through participation in activities» «aid made to teachers in literacy partners and contributing, with active listening, in creating a positive social climate», «show that you can live in freedom without committing criminal acts» and, finally, «the length of sentence already served.» posibilita el cumplimiento del resto de su condena en régimen de semilibertad. Según fuentes del diario sur, el acuerdo se ha adoptado con el informe favorable del ministerio fiscal, del psicólogo del Centro Penitenciario y porque la reclusa ha cumplido ya más de la mitad de la condena impuesta por los tribunales de justicia.
Según el informe de , la Junta de Tratamiento no incluye aquella actitud negativa ante el delito, mientras que el psicólogo del centro va más allá al constatar “el buen comportamiento y la colaboración de la interna con la institución a través de la participación en actividades”, “la ayuda realizada a los profesores en la alfabetización de las compañeras y contribuyendo, con la escucha activa, en la creación de un clima social positivo”, “la demostración de que puede vivir en libertad sin necesidad de cometer actos delictivos” y, finalmente, “el tiempo de condena ya cumplido”.


The prison supervision court No. 3 of Andalusia based in Malaga has agreed to grant to Maria Teresa Garcia Zaldivar third grade prison what enables compliance with the remainder of his sentence on day release. According to sources southern daily, the agreement has been adopted with the favorable report of the prosecutor, Prison Psychologist and because the prison has already served more than half of the sentence imposed by the courts.
According to the report, the Board Treatment does not include any negative attitude to crime, while the school psychologist goes beyond finding «good behavior and cooperation of the internal to the institution through participation in activities» «aid made to teachers in literacy partners and contributing, with active listening, in creating a positive social climate», «show that you can live in freedom without committing criminal acts» and, finally, «the length of sentence already served.»

Málaga 24h TV
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