
Los nuevos empresarios de La Malagueta defienden la tauromaquia – Málaga 24h

Los nuevos empresarios de la plaza de toros de La Malagueta, en Málaga, Toros del Mediterráneo S.L., han firmado nuevo contrato en el que defendienden la tauromaquia como «arte y cultura» y demandando más promoción y también «más alegría».
El presidente de la Diputación, Elías Bendodo, ha firmado el contrato y recibido a los representantes de este grupo empresarial, entre ellos, Simón Casas o José Carlos Escribano.
Casas ha asegurado en rueda de prensa en Málaga, junto al resto de gestores y el propio Bendodo, que llegan con «humildad, pasión, entrega, conciencia profesional del momento actual de la fiesta, conciencia de que la fiesta es cultura y de que Málaga tiene un posicionamiento privilegiado geográfico e histórico».
Para Casas, la «fiesta de los toros está en un momento histórico y según se actúe la tauromaquia tendrá futuro o no lo tendrá»; no obstante, ha añadido que están convencidos de que lo tiene.
Por su parte, Elías Bendodo se ha mostrado «convencido» de que los nuevos responsables de la plaza son «los mejores» y presentaron «la mejor oferta», aunque ha agradecido también las presentadas por las otras compañías.

The new entrepreneurs of the La Malagueta bullring in Malaga, Toros del Mediterráneo S.L., have signed a new contract in which they defend bullfighting as «art and culture» and demanding more promotion and also «more joy».
The President of the Diputación, Elías Bendodo, has signed the contract and received the representatives of this business group, among them, Simón Casas or José Carlos Escribano.
Casas has assured at a press conference in Malaga, along with the rest of managers and Bendodo himself, who arrive with «humility, passion, delivery, professional awareness of the current moment of the party, awareness that the festival is culture and that Malaga Has a privileged geographic and historical position «.
For Casas, the «bullfight is in a historic moment and depending on whether or not bullfighting will have a future will or will not have it»; However, added that they are convinced that it has.
For his part, Elías Bendodo has been «convinced» that the new leaders of the square are «the best» and presented «the best offer», but also thanked those presented by the other companies.English:
The new entrepreneurs of the La Malagueta bullring in Malaga, Toros del Mediterráneo S.L., have signed a new contract in which they defend bullfighting as «art and culture» and demanding more promotion and also «more joy».
The President of the Diputación, Elías Bendodo, has signed the contract and received the representatives of this business group, among them, Simón Casas or José Carlos Escribano.
Casas has assured at a press conference in Malaga, along with the rest of managers and Bendodo himself, who arrive with «humility, passion, delivery, professional awareness of the current moment of the party, awareness that the festival is culture and that Malaga Has a privileged geographic and historical position «.
For Casas, the «bullfight is in a historic moment and depending on whether or not bullfighting will have a future will or will not have it»; However, added that they are convinced that it has.
For his part, Elías Bendodo has been «convinced» that the new leaders of the square are «the best» and presented «the best offer», but also thanked those presented by the other companies.

Málaga 24h TV
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