
El Supremo rechaza apartar a los magistrados del proces

El Tribunal Supremo rechaza por unanimidad apartar a los cinco magistrados designados para juzgar el ‘porcès’. La decisión se ha tomado tras los incidentes de recusación presentados por once de los implicados en la causa independentista en Cataluña. Tres de estos incidentes, los presentados por el expresidente Carles Puigemont y sus exconsejeros también fugados Luis Puig y Clara Ponsatí, se han inadmitido en consonancia con lo defendido en su informe por la Fiscalía, ya que los jueces que pretendían que se apartaran no serán los que les juzguen si regresan a España y son encausados. La resolución ha sido adoptada por 13 de los magistrados, ninguno de ellos de lo Penal ya que han debido ausentarse al ser integrantes del tribunal que juzgará el ‘procés’ y por lo tanto recusados.


The Supreme Court unanimously rejects the removal of the five magistrates appointed to judge the ‘porcès’. The decision was taken after the incidents of recusal presented by eleven of those involved in the independence cause in Catalonia. Three of these incidents, those presented by former President Carles Puigemont and his former advisers, Luis Puig and Clara Ponsatí, have also been denied in line with what was defended in his report by the Prosecutor’s Office, since the judges who wanted them to be separated will not be to judge them if they return to Spain and are prosecuted. The resolution has been adopted by 13 of the magistrates, none of them of the Criminal since they have had to be absent to be members of the court that will judge the ‘procés’ and therefore challenged.

Málaga 24h TV
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