
El ministro británico para el Brexit insta al compromiso

El ministro británico para el Brexit ha advertido este lunes a la Unión Europea que no intente intimidar a Reino Unido para que firme un acuerdo de divorcio que va en contra de la unidad del país, subrayando que «si la única oferta de la UE amenaza la integridad de su unión entonces no tendrán otra opción que marcharse sin acuerdo. El político conservador ha instado a los líderes europeos a comenzar a comprometerse con las negociaciones para el acuerdo de salida de Reino Unido de la UE, prevista para el 29 de marzo de 2019, ya que el tiempo se agota. Precisamente, al término de la cumbre de Salzburgo, la primera ministra, Theresa May, ya había pedido «seriedad» a la Unión Europea después de que los líderes comunitarios rechazaran su plan para el Brexit. May está sometida a una fuerte presión por parte del ala pro-Brexit dentro de su propio partido y también desde fuera por parte de la oposición.


The British minister for Brexit has warned the European Union on Monday not to try to intimidate the United Kingdom to sign a divorce agreement that goes against the unity of the country, underlining that «if the only offer of the EU threatens the The integrity of their union then they will have no choice but to leave without agreement.The conservative politician has urged European leaders to begin to commit to negotiations for the EU’s exit agreement, scheduled for March 29, 2019 After the Salzburg summit ended, the Prime Minister, Theresa May, had already asked for «seriousness» from the European Union after the community leaders rejected her plan for the Brexit. subjected to strong pressure from the pro-Brexit wing within its own party and also from outside by the opposition.
The British minister for Brexit has warned the European Union on Monday not to try to intimidate the United Kingdom to sign a divorce agreement that goes against the unity of the country, underlining that «if the only offer of the EU threatens the The integrity of their union then they will have no choice but to leave without agreement.The conservative politician has urged European leaders to begin to commit to negotiations for the EU’s exit agreement, scheduled for March 29, 2019 After the Salzburg summit ended, the Prime Minister, Theresa May, had already asked for «seriousness» from the European Union after the community leaders rejected her plan for the Brexit. subjected to strong pressure from the pro-Brexit wing within its own party and also from outside by the opposition.

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