El Real Madrid ha despedido hoy a su delantero estrella, Karim Benzema, en un acto institucional que ha estado encabezado por el presidente del club blanco, Florentino Pérez, que ha querido hacer un recorrido por la trayectoria de Benzema en el Real Madrid, además de dedicarle unas palabras de cariño y de agradecimiento. Karim Benzema ha compartido también unas palabras en su acto de despedida, donde ha agradecido al equipo, a la directiva y a los compañeros por estos años que ha pasado en el Real Madrid. Aunque ha lamentado que su sueño hubiera sido retirarse en el club blanco, pero no ha podido ser. (Fuente: Real Madrid)
Real Madrid has fired its star striker, Karim Benzema, today in an institutional act that has been headed by the president of the white club, Florentino Pérez, who wanted to take a tour of Benzema’s career at Real Madrid, in addition to dedicate a few words of affection and gratitude. Karim Benzema also shared a few words at his farewell ceremony, where he thanked the team, the board of directors and his teammates for these years that he has spent at Real Madrid. Although he has regretted that his dream would have been to retire at the white club, but it could not be. (Source: Real Madrid)
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