
🔴Noticia – Discurso de Feijóo en el debate de investidura

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, en su intervención en el debate de investidura, ha afirmado que no va a defender la amnistía porque tiene principios, límites y palabras. Ha recalcado que se debe a la mayoría de españoles y españolas y que fuera de la Constitución no hay democracia. Recuerda, además, que ha ganado las elecciones y que por ello este debate es una consecuencia lógica del resultado electoral. Ha reivindicado la Transición y ha reclamado su vigencia. Se ha dirigido al PSOE y les ha advertido que tiene los votos para ser presidente pero que no acepta pagar el precio que le piden por ello. En su discurso ha propuesto levantar un futuro común, dejar atrás los bloqueos, garantizar la estabilidad del país y asegurar la igualdad de los españoles. Ha agradecido los apoyos de Vox, UPN y Coalición Canarias y se ha mostrado harto de las imposiciones lingüísticas y libertad de opinión. También, ha pedido la confianza para impulsar seis pactos de Estado.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in his speech in the investiture debate, stated that he is not going to defend the amnesty because it has principles, limits and words. He has stressed that it is due to the majority of Spaniards and that outside the Constitution there is no democracy. He also remembers that he has won the elections and that therefore this debate is a logical consequence of the electoral result. He has claimed the Transition and has claimed its validity. He has addressed the PSOE and warned them that he has the votes to be president but that he does not agree to pay the price they ask of him for it. In his speech he proposed building a common future, leaving the blockades behind, guaranteeing the stability of the country and ensuring the equality of Spaniards. He has thanked the support of Vox, UPN and the Canary Islands Coalition and has shown himself fed up with linguistic impositions and freedom of opinion. Also, he has asked for confidence to promote six State pacts.

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