🔴Noticia – Un agricultor regala sus sandías para no echarlas a perder
Tres meses de trabajo para acabar abandonando su cosecha de sandías porque no ha conseguido que se las compre ninguna empresa. Manuel se queja de que prefieren traerlas de Marruecos y Senegal. Por eso ha decidido regalarlas, y no son pocas: 100.000 kilos. Hoy sigue llegando gente a recoger lo que queda. Durante el fin de semana se han llevado 80.000 kilos. Hay quien ha decidido pagarle y con ese dinero limpiará los invernaderos. Ha invertido tiempo y dinero y las pérdidas son muy altas. Dos de cada tres sandías que se consumen en España provienen de Marruecos y Senegal. (Atlas)
Three months of work to end up abandoning his harvest of watermelons because he has not been able to get any company to buy them. Manuel complains that they prefer to bring them from Morocco and Senegal. That is why he has decided to give them away, and there are not a few: 100,000 kilos. Today people continue to come to collect what is left. During the weekend they have taken 80,000 kilos. Some have decided to pay him and with that money he will clean the greenhouses. He has invested time and money and the losses are very high. Two out of every three watermelons consumed in Spain come from Morocco and Senegal. (Atlas)
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