
Mas dice que el soberanismo «tiene que saber aprovechar» la sentencia del 9N – Málaga 24h

El expresidente de la Generalitat Artur Mas considera que el soberanismo «tiene que saber aprovechar que por primera vez un gobierno elegido democráticamente sea en parte inhabilitado» tras la sentencia por la consulta del 9N.

Artur mas ha asistido a una entrevista en Rac 1 en la que ha sido preguntado por si la respuesta debe materializarse en movilizaciones ciudadanas o con la convocatoria de otra consulta. Mas ha dicho que no tendría sentido que solo hubiera calle si no estuviera acompañado de las urnas.

El expresidente catalán ha admitido que no podrá presentarse como candidato a la Generalitat mientras Cataluña siga bajo la jurisdicción española, pero ha defendido que mientras dure la inhabilitación seguirá haciendo política como hasta ahora.

El expresidente ha acusado al Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cataluña (TSJC) de «mentir» cuando afirma en la sentencia que no se les juzga por colocar urnas el 9 de noviembre de 2014. En otra entrevista en Onda Cero, Mas, ha denunciado que les han juzgado «por poner urnas» y por tener «determinadas ideas» independentistas.

English:The former president of the Generalitat Artur Mas believes that sovereignty «must know how to take advantage of the fact that for the first time a democratically elected government is partly disabled» following the ruling by the 9N consultation.

Arthur has attended an interview in Rac 1 in which he has been asked if the answer should materialize in citizen mobilizations or with the call for another consultation. But he said that it would not make sense that there was only street if it were not accompanied by the polls.

The former Catalan has admitted that he will not be able to run as a candidate for the Generalitat as long as Catalonia remains under Spanish jurisdiction, but has argued that while the disqualification lasts, it will continue to make policy as it has until now.

The former president has accused the High Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) of «lying» when he states in the sentence that they are not judged for placing ballot boxes on November 9, 2014. In another interview at Onda Cero, Mas, They have been judged «to put urns» and to have «certain ideas» independentistas.

Málaga 24h TV
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