
Málaga 24h TV – Aumentan los alumnos de Erasmus enviados por la UMA

La Universidad de Málaga (UMA) ha enviado, durante el curso 2016/17, un total de 950 alumnos que cursarán parte de sus estudios dentro del programa Erasmus+. Esta cifra supone el primer aumento de estudiantes enviados por la UMA desde 2013, tras tres cursos consecutivos de descenso en el número de becados de este programa comunitario.

Según ha informado a Europa Press el servicio de Relaciones Internacionales de la UMA, el número de enviados Erasmus+ durante el curso 2016/17 ha aumentado un 19,6 por ciento respecto al curso anterior, cuando se alcanzó la cifra de 794 estudiantes becados, la cifra más baja de los últimos cuatro cursos. En 2014/15, los Erasmus+ enviados fueron 858, mientras que en 2013/14 llegaron a los 890 enviados.

En cuanto a datos desglosados por países, Polonia sigue a la cabeza como destino favorito de los enviados Erasmus+ de la UMA, con un total de 192 estudiantes. Le sigue Alemania (93), Reino Unido (76), Italia (66), Portugal (60), Países Bajos (47) y Francia (40).

Por otro lado, los programas extracomunitarios de Movilidad de la UMA han presentado un repunte en el último curso. Durante el 2016/17, se han enviado a 185 estudiantes a México (40), Corea del Sur (31), Brasil (25), y Chile (25), entre otros; lo que supone un 37 por ciento más que durante el 2015/16, cuando 135 alumnos cursaron sus estudios fuera de Europa.

English: The University of Málaga (UMA) has sent, during the course 2016/17, a total of 950 students who will take part of their studies in the Erasmus + program. This figure represents the first increase of students sent by the UMA since 2013, after three consecutive courses of decrease in the number of scholarship recipients of this community program.

According to Europa Press, the UMA’s International Relations department, the number of Erasmus + envoys during the 2016/17 academic year has increased by 19.6 percent compared to the previous year, when the number of scholarship holders was 794, The lowest figure for the last four years. In 2014/15, the Erasmus + sent were 858, while in 2013/14 they reached 890 envoys.

With regard to data disaggregated by country, Poland continues to be the favorite destination of the Erasmus + envoys of the UMA, with a total of 192 students. It is followed by Germany (93), United Kingdom (76), Italy (66), Portugal (60), Netherlands (47) and France (40).

On the other hand, the extra-community mobility programs of the UMA have presented a rebound in the last course. During 2016/17, 185 students were sent to Mexico (40), South Korea (31), Brazil (25), and Chile (25), among others; Which is 37 percent more than during 2015/16, when 135 students took their studies outside Europe.

Málaga 24h TV
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